Category Archives: Usage

Addenda or Addendum – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

What is the Difference Between Addenda and Addendum? Addenda and addendum are the plural and singular forms of the same noun, respectively. Addenda is a plural noun that means things that are added to something else. The meeting will address several addenda from the members. Addendum is a singular noun that means something that is added or an appendix to

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Greatful vs. Grateful – Which Spelling is Correct?

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Greatful and Grateful? These two terms might seem like alternate spellings of the same word at first glance. However, only one of them is correct. Greatful is an incorrect spelling of grateful. People who use this word think it means to feel thankful for something, but are mixing it up with the spelling of great. I

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Forgo vs. Forego – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Forego and Forgo? Forego and forgo might seem like alternate spellings of the same word. However, that is not the case. They are actually homophones without any overlap in meaning. Forego is a verb that means to go before. The herald will forego the king as the royal party enters the town. Forgo is also a

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Flys vs. Flies – Which Spelling is Correct?

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Flys and Flies? Flys and flies are homophones. Both can be plural nouns, and one can also be the third person singular form of the verb fly. However, they have separate definitions which rarely overlap. Flys is a plural noun. The singular form is fly. However, flys is not the plural form of every meaning of

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Flesh Out vs. Flush Out – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between To Flesh Out and To Flush Out? To flesh something out and to flush something out are both phrasal verbs that sound very similar. However, they have very different meanings. To flesh something out is a phrasal verb that means to give more substance to something. Your story has an exciting plot but the characters are

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Favor or Favour – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Favor and Favour? Favor and favour are alternate spellings of the same word. Each version is correct, but each is preferred in different areas. Favor can act as either a noun or a verb. As a noun, it means something helpful done out of kindness. As a verb, it has several meanings, the most common of

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Elfs vs. Elves – Which Spelling is Correct?

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Elfs and Elves? Elfs and elves might look like alternate spellings of the plural word for elf. However, this is not the case. Only one of these spellings is correct in standard American English. Elfs is an incorrect spelling of the plural form of the noun elf. People who write elfs mean to refer to two

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Effective or Efficient – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

What is the Difference Between Effective and Efficient? Effective and efficient both start with the same spelling, and have similar pronunciations. Their definitions are also related. However, there are important distinctions between the two words which make it incorrect to interchange them. Effective is an adjective which means works or functions. This medicine is very effective at reducing the symptoms

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Drier or Dryer – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

  What’s the Difference Between Drier and Dryer? In the past, it was common for people to use these two words completely interchangeably. However, over time the usage of each spelling diverged from the other. Nowadays, standard English makes a strong distinction between each of these words. Drier is the comparative form of the adjective dry. Deserts have a much

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Do vs. Due – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Do and Due? Do and due are homophones, which means that they share the same pronunciations but different definitions and spellings. Do is a verb which usually means to perform an action. It also acts as an auxiliary verb to form questions and make sentences negative. I do my homework every night. (perform the act of

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